"WA" Stay
We aim to utilize those vacant properties and those facilities which are rarely used.
“Su Go Su” creates brand-new value to those sleeping properties.
We are striving to produce attractive accommodations that match the local style.
We would like to increase the number of unique accommodation specific to the area but not just a measure of vacant properties.
Shares various ideas and provide new values to guests around the world.
Makes owners, guests, and the community happy.
“Su Go Su” aims to create unique and comfortable accommodation throughout Japan in the future.
Business Plan
“Su Go Su” provides assists to you by suggesting a concept plan with income and expenditure simulations, market research. We also assist you in house reformation.
Preparation for opening
“Su Go Su” provides supports on various application procedures necessary for opening including consultation with the public health center and fire department.
Support for marketing
“Su Go Su" provides marketing supports by setting up a page on official website, listing your property on various OTA(booking) websites and providing ideas for attracting customers.
Act as your agent
“Su Go Su” provides operation supports after opening of the facility, such as cleaning, changing linen and providing customer support.
“Difficult to sell" or “difficult to lend” my properties out…
Do you have any difficulties in creating value for your properties?
Su Go Su provides comprehensive support from consultation to actual application.
Please feel free to contact us.